
What is Web Clipper?

Evernote’s Web Clipper is an extension that you can add to your toolbar, allowing you to save information directly to your notebooks with a mere click of a button. Since Evernote is cloud based, you can then access what you  have saved from your other mobile devices as well. I admit I love the elephant icon that matches their “Remember Everything” slogan too.

How to get Web Clipper

  1. First, you must install the Web Clipper to your browser. To do this, go to Evernote , scroll to the bottom and look for the Webclipper extension ( it has the elephant).
  2. Simply click and install or drag and drop the icon to your toolbar.
  3. Once the elephant shows up in your toolbar, you are now ready to get clipping.

Ways to Save

Part of Web Clipper’s appeal is that you can save multiple ways. Once you have hit a page with something you want to save, just hit your Web Clipper (elephant) icon and choose form the pop up options: full page, PDF, or URL. If you only want to save some of the information from that page, highlight the section you want to keep with your mouse and then hit the icon. Another tip- check if the page has a print option to reduce the amount of extra information that comes over with the clip. 

Why do I want Web Clipper?

Last week I mentioned that the Evernote system brings us that much closer to living paper free. The Web Clipper extension is merely an added enhancement to get us there. Once you get the hang of it, you will find yourself saving EVERYTHING. By utilizing the tags, you will never lose any of it either. Find a good article about growing your business with Social Media but not able to read it? Clip it, tag it “social media” and “growth.” Later you can finish reading it on your phone, and even email it to your employees to get their thoughts.

Or, try it for your recipes and watch your world become that much simpler. No more scrolling through google searches or multiple pictures to get what you want. This weekend,  I’ll just type “Nutella” and I am on my way to the most amazing Nutella Chocolate Chip cookies ever.

Want more resources like this? Have other to share with me? Bring ’em on to jenn@csocially.com