Franklin Scene Logo   It’s officially  fall ya’ll! Ready to layer up and sing songs around the campfire? We are! Fall is possibly one  of the most beautiful seasons in Tennessee. And as we move into the coming months there are a million great things to do around here to celebrate the change of weather. Ready for this week’s Franklin Scene?

Out & About

Taylor Swift & Luke Bryan Okay, if you are under the age of 13 or don’t have on under that age in your household, you may have missed the Taylor Swift concert last week. Ms. Swift performed here in Nashville for 3 night to all sold out shows, welcoming a different guest singer each night. Rascal Flats, Luke Bryan, and  Hunter Hayes all came out to a happily surprised audience. Inside sources told us her duets with Ed Sheeran were also a big favorite among fans. We could be wrong, but it seems like our local stars always work extra hard on their shows here. Makes us love them even more.

Franklin Factoid

Going with another statewide factoid again. Did you know we have a state food? Indeed, the tomato is considered our state’s food and from July through the end of September is the main harvest time. Since this weekend will mark the end of the month, be sure to the Farmer’s Market and load up on what’s left.

Happenings For The Week Ahead

Gentry's FarmYou will have to excuse us while we get a bit nostalgic, but this weekend is the beginning of Pick Your Own Pumpkins time at Gentry’s Farm.  Open from 9-5 on Saturdays, 1-5 on Sundays and open on Mondays only through October. Gentry’s has a corn maze, hayride, tire swings, and plenty of animals for little ones to look at while there. And since it is located just off Highway 96, it takes no time at all to get there! The Gentry Farm is a well known and well loved favorite for locals.



TACA Another anticipated event for this time of year – the Tennessee Association of Craft Artist Fair at Centennial Park in Nashville will take place Friday through Sunday this weekend. This year, there will be around 200 local artists in the park, demonstrating the talent found throughout this area. It’s a perfect opportunity to interact directly with the artists to learn more about their craft and techniques.


Dog-Pony-Show-e1378246679446Last but not least is the Dog & Pony Show down in Thompson’s Station, just south of Franklin.

The day kicks off with a 5k run, followed by an entire day packed with dog and pony demonstrations and contests.

There will also be food, crafts, and live music to make this day an enormously fun family event.



Be sure to get out and hit one or all three of these events this weekend. Did I miss one of your favorites? Be sure to let me know on Facebook or Twitter!