Every week, we pull the latest resources for web designers to stay on top of their game in this ever-changing environment. cSocially Media provides web design, SEO, content, social media, & email marketing for small businesses & creative professionals in Nashville and Franklin, TN.
Why You Shouldn’t Speak To Art Students for Free
– onextrapixel.com

When Flat Design Falls Flat
– sixrevisions.com

Superficially, flat design is simple:Don’t use gradients, shadows and textures
Use simple shapes, bold colors and clear typographyI believe that a few prominent flat designs sacrifice usability and best practices such as consistency for the sake of aesthetics — and this is what I’ll primarily be talking about…
20 Beautiful Autumn Wallpapers to Spice Up Your Desktop
– webdesigndev.com

17 Web Designs with Big Photography
– webdesignledger.com

SAS, SAP Partner to Boost Big Data Analytics
– cmswire.com

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6 Reasons Why Social Media Can NOT Help You Save Your Business
– instantshift.com

Easily create stunning animated charts with Chart.js
– webdesignerdepot.com

A great way to get started with charts is with Chart…
21 Exceptional PSD to HTML Conversion Services Providers
– instantshift.com

10 Things You Should Do When Inheriting a WordPress Site
– wpbeginner.com

1. Password Vault – Get All AccessWhen inheriting a WordPress site, the first thing you must do is gather all the username and password information…