Google Ads Campaign Setup

Launching your first Google Ads campaign, but a little lost? Not to worry. You are not alone. The interface can be a little confusing for beginners—even with the step-by-step Google walkthroughs.

Believe us when we say it is normal to feel a little hesitant when you begin with Google Ads. However, Google Ads is a great way to attract leads and new business and most times it is worth overcoming your fears. 

Google Ads Pay Per Click has helped grow small businesses to major brands and is often a key component to any outbound strategy. The reason Pay Per Click (PPC) is so popular and commonly used is because of the size of the market (Google is the first place people go in their shopping journey) and it is a crucial step in the shopping journey.

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Getting Started With Smart Ads

If you are just starting out, one of the most common ways new business owners self-start on Google is through a Google Ads Smart campaign. Google Ads Smart Campaigns are a relatively new PPC feature that have been gaining in popularity since they were released because of the easy, quick setup.

If you’re not familiar with them, we’re going to give you a detailed explanation of what they are and how to set them up. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of using them so that you can decide if they’re the right option for your business or if you may need to launch a more precise Google Ads campaign.

Google Smart Ads Defined

So, what are Google Ads Smart Campaigns? In a nutshell, they’re a type of PPC campaign uses machine learning to optimize your ads for you. You simply need to provide Google with some basic information about your business and your goals and then Google will do the rest.

While Google Ads Smart Campaigns are very easy to set up, there are some pros and cons that you should know, especially if you are not immediately seeing the results you are looking for.

Benefits Of Google Smart Ads

The benefits of using Smart Campaigns are that they’re very easy to set up and manage, and they can save you a lot of time. You don’t need to be an expert in PPC to use them, and you can let Google do the work for you.

Another significant benefit is that they’re very flexible. You can change your budget, and you can also pause or cancel your campaign with just a few clicks.

Lastly, Smart Campaigns are great for businesses that are just starting out with PPC because they’re relatively low risk with small budgets. You can test the waters without investing a lot of time or money, and you can always make changes later if you need to.

Drawbacks Of Google Smart Ads

The biggest drawback of using Smart Campaigns is that they’re not very targeted. Google will show your ads to whoever they think is most likely to convert, but this might not always be the right audience for your business and it may not be the way you want customers to convert. Smart Ads presets include conversions such as visiting your website or clicking on a map of your location, but this may not generate leads or revenue for you.

For example, if you sell most of your products online, you might not want to show your ads to people who are just browsing nearby locations and not yet ready to buy. 

Another downside is that you don’t have a lot of control over where your ads are shown. With Google Ads Smart Campaigns, you can’t choose specific placements or target certain demographics.

Lastly, Smart Campaigns can be more expensive than other types of PPC campaigns because you’re essentially paying Google to optimize for you and again Google’s idea of optimization may not be the right fit for your business.

So, Should You Use Google Ads Smart Campaigns?

Google Ads Smart Campaigns are a great option for businesses that are just starting out with PPC and don’t have a lot of time or money to invest. They’re also a good option if you’re not seeing the results you want with other types of PPC campaigns.

However, if you’re selling niche products or services, or if you need more control over your PPC campaign, then you might want to consider another option.

At the end of the day, the best way to decide if Google Ads Smart Campaigns are right for your business is to experiment or receive consultation with a 3rd party PPC expert. Hatchery has a long history of PPC management across a wide range of products and is happy to provide a free :30 minute consultation on the prospect of PPC advertising for your business. If you are interested in such a service, please contact us at 615-208-5373 or reach out online.

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