Email Campaigns: Personalization and Behavior-Based Campaigns

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, understanding your audience and delivering personalized messages has become a cornerstone of success. Customers today expect brands to “get them,” to understand their needs and preferences. This is where the magic of behavioral targeting comes into play. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of behavioral targeting and explore how it can revolutionize your email marketing campaigns. At Marketing Hatchery, we’re here to guide you through this exciting journey.

Behavioral Targeting: Unveiling the Magic

Behavioral marketing is the art of enhancing the effectiveness of advertising by crafting campaigns based on consumers’ digital behaviors. These behaviors encompass a wide array of activities, including website interactions, purchasing habits, and other online engagements. By carefully analyzing these behaviors, marketers can create digital personas for their prospects, allowing for highly personalized and engaging campaigns.

The wealth of insights derived from consumers’ actual behaviors is harnessed through various tools like analytics, heat maps, and records. These records serve as the foundation for crafting digital marketing campaigns that resonate on a personal level. The result? Messages that are tailored precisely to individual preferences and actions make your marketing efforts more compelling.

Segmentation of Behaviors: Getting Personal

The key to an effective marketing strategy lies in segmentation. By breaking down the behaviors of your prospects into smaller, more manageable groups, you gain invaluable insights into the type of messages that will resonate with specific targets. These smaller groups are created based on the behavioral patterns exhibited by consumers during their online interactions. Some of the crucial factors guiding this segmentation include:

User Interests

Understanding and addressing a prospect’s personal and professional interests is a game-changer for personalization and customization. By connecting user interests with their behavior, you can uncover additional related interests, allowing you to engage customers on multiple levels.

Engagement Level

Engagement with your brand can take various forms, all of which are positive indicators. It can signify growing trust, the intent to make a purchase, the development of a relationship, or even a favorable perception of your brand. Each of these signals presents an opportunity to develop a new marketing strategy.

Customer Satisfaction

Assessing customer satisfaction is crucial. It’s essential to inquire about their level of satisfaction with your product or service. High satisfaction can open doors to upselling or cross-selling opportunities, as well as identifying the patterns that led to that satisfaction. Conversely, low-satisfaction segments require improved customer service and a deeper understanding of where things went wrong.

Customer Journey Stage

A customer’s journey unfolds from the moment they become aware of your brand to the point where they become its advocate. Segmenting customers based on their position in this journey helps personalize communication and experiences. It also reveals potential obstacles preventing clients from progressing in their journey.

Purchasing Behavior

Buyers approach decisions differently. Patterns in digital behavior can provide insights into how and why a buyer makes a purchase. This insight can help categorize buyers into six segments:

  • Smart buyers who make decisions based on thorough research.
  • Risk-averse buyers who prefer insurance and guarantees.
  • Price-conscious buyers seeking affordability.
  • Needs-proof buyers relying on reviews and recommendations.
  • I’ll get it later buyers with no urgency.
  • Persuadable buyers who make impulsive decisions.

Segmenting based on these behaviors informs tailored marketing strategies for each customer type.


Customers often prioritize specific benefits when seeking a product or service. Aligning your strategy with these priorities can significantly impact your success. For instance, if a prospect is seeking a specific price range, your advertisements should showcase relevant options. Your loyal customers might be drawn by a particular benefit your product or service offers. Crafting your strategy around these insights can rapidly expand your customer base.

Behavioral Email Targeting: Unlocking the Power of Personalization

Behavioral email targeting involves sending automated emails to contacts based on their online interactions with your business, spanning channels like social media, websites, emails, and more. Sending emails based on specific actions taken by your contacts, rather than generic blasts, is a game-changer in terms of email engagement. At Marketing Hatchery, we’re excited to show you how this technique can elevate your email marketing.

Benefits of Behavioral Email Targeting

Email marketing, while powerful, can sometimes feel slow compared to other marketing methods. However, with behavioral email targeting, you can unlock a multitude of benefits:

 1. Better User Experience

Customers expect emails that resonate with them personally. According to Forbes, 81% of consumers prefer targeted and relatable emails. Behavioral email targeting fulfills this expectation by delivering information relevant to the recipient’s interests. However, it’s crucial to ensure that this personalization doesn’t cross the line into privacy invasion, which could lead to user attrition and harm your reputation.

2. More User Engagement

Increasing user engagement is a primary goal of any marketing strategy. Targeted emails are more likely to boost user engagement compared to generic emails. In fact, research shows that behaviorally targeted emails have three times the conversion rate of non-targeted ones. Successful targeting can lead users from email to your website, driving more traffic and converting visitors into customers.

3. Higher Conversion Rates

Conversion doesn’t always mean immediate sales; it can include actions like completing contact forms or requesting information. Behaviorally targeted emails delight audiences and encourage desired actions. Once you have the information you need, you can refine your approach for even more effective communication.

4. Increased ROI

The ultimate aim of any marketing campaign is to increase return on investment (ROI). Behavioral email marketing is a surefire way to achieve this. When the right audience receives the right email at the right time, engagement soars. This can result in more conversions and sales, ensuring a healthier ROI. In contrast, investing in paid campaigns that reach irrelevant audiences can waste resources and reduce ROI.

5. Lower Bounce Rate

Well-targeted emails are more likely to be opened and read. If a recipient isn’t interested, they’re more likely to ignore an email, which can lead to a higher bounce rate. Behavioral email targeting not only increases open rates but also boosts conversion rates, ultimately leading to a lower bounce rate.

How to Use Behavioral Email Targeting Effectively

Now that you understand the benefits of behavioral email targeting, it’s time to explore how to put this data to work. Here are five effective ways to incorporate behavioral email targeting into your email marketing strategy:

1. Email Retargeting

Many prospects leave your website just before making a purchase, often due to various reasons. These visitors are interested but haven’t completed the desired action. Behaviorally targeted emails can be a powerful tool to re-engage these potential customers. Send them a retargeting email reminding them of what they’re missing out on, possibly with enticing discounts or bonuses. Follow up with these customers to encourage them to complete their purchase.

2. Personalize Emails

Once you understand your audience’s interests, you can craft emails tailored to their digital personas. Customize email subject lines and content to create a connection with the recipient. Research shows that revenue generated through personalized emails is nearly six times higher than non-personalized ones.

3. Send Recommendations

With behavioral segmentation in mind, tailor your product or content recommendations to specific segments. These personalized suggestions in behaviorally targeted emails can significantly boost revenue. Recommendations should be based on user preferences, browsing habits, and past behavior. Timing is critical here; recommending products long after initial interest has waned is counterproductive.

4. Leverage Behavioral Email Targeting for Upselling

Upselling involves convincing a customer to opt for a higher-priced alternative to their initial consideration. Behavioral email targeting is highly effective in this scenario, especially when customers exhibit behaviors indicating they’re ready to buy. Craft your email to highlight the benefits of the higher-priced option and show how it’s a cost-effective choice.

5. Offer Customized Benefits

Your customers are seeking specific benefits from your product or service. Leverage behavioral email targeting to create special offers based on their interests. Whether it’s discounts, coupons, or unique benefits, tailoring your offerings according to customer preferences can enhance loyalty and attract new customers.

A Cautionary Note: Do Not Overstep Boundaries

While behavioral email marketing offers numerous advantages, it’s crucial to tread carefully. There’s a fine line between personalization and intrusion. Customers may become uneasy if they feel their privacy is being violated. To avoid backlash and potential harm to your reputation, consider these guidelines:

  • Be transparent about the data you collect and why you’re using it.
  • Provide customers with control over their data and allow them to opt in or out of data collection.
  • Educate customers about the benefits of targeted email marketing.
  • Avoid using sensitive information, such as race or personal problems.
  • Implement traditional data collection methods where customers explicitly opt-in to receive updates and emails on specific topics.

Remember, failure to follow these guidelines could lead to customer dissatisfaction, attrition, and even legal repercussions.

Unlock the Power of Relevance

At the end of the day, it’s relevant content that drives sales. Behavioral marketing is the talk of the town for a reason. Now, armed with an understanding of behavioral targeting and its potential benefits, you’re ready to create your own email marketing strategy. Fine-tune your contact list, segment it effectively, and employ the tactics outlined in this guide to engage your audience in a more personalized way. You’re on the cusp of achieving remarkable results.

Unlock the full potential of behavioral email targeting with Marketing Hatchery. We’re here to help you craft personalized, engaging, and effective email campaigns that drive results. Contact us today at 615-208-5373 or visit our website to learn how we can transform your email marketing and elevate your business to new heights. Start delivering the right message to the right person at the right time with Marketing Hatchery by your side. Your journey to email marketing excellence begins here.