Picture of Marcus in Triumph

Google Analytics is a Must for Small Business

If you have a website that you own and control, then I hope you are using Google Analytics to monitor that site’s activity. Google Analytics offers free insight on everything from your daily visitor count, to referral traffic sources, to top keywords used to find your website. For a few things every business owner needs to know about Google Analytics, read Jenn’s post from April.

Adding a New User in Google Analytics

As a small business owner, setting up an account is fine, but finding the time to monitor and understand it can be a real challenge. For those looking to add a new user to a Google Analytics account, it’s a fairly simple and straightforward process. Here is a step-by-step guide provided by Google on how to add a user in Google Analytics: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009702?hl=en

One thing to keep in mind is that each new user will be invited based on their Google account email address. In most cases, this will be in the form of example@gmail.com, but there are occasions where people setup Google accounts thru another email address. Just check with them if you’re not sure.

Setting User Permissions

The new user can create reports based on the information that you want to track. They can also create and manage additional users, just be sure to grant the right access to your new user when you first invite them to your account. Thankfully, Google has made managing and limiting users’ access just as simple as creating them. Here is their guide on what the User roles mean: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2884495

For added value (which is incredible since all of this is free), be sure to confirm your website and add Google Webmaster Tools, too. The additional insights will be well worth the few minutes needed to set it up. If you want to track and manage Adwords campaigns, this is a must.


At cSocially Media, we’re always looking for new and better ways of tracking site activity. If you know of a great tool to help, let us know in the comments below (especially if it’s free!).


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