See some of the top SEO news and stories from around the web to help you optimize your site for more search traffic. cSocially Media provides web design, SEO, content, social media, & email marketing for small businesses and creative professionals in Nashville and Franklin, TN.
Why Obsessing Over One Keyword Could Sink Your Whole SiteIf you focus all your SEO efforts on a single term with a “Page 1 or Bust” mentality, you’re putting your business and domain in jeopardy. Here’s why you should take a more diversified, comprehensive approach to keyword targeting and expansion.

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Take a Whirlwind Tour of 7 New Raven UpdatesWe’ve been hard at work over the past few weeks making small enhancements to Raven that we hope will make the software even easier to use.
All of these updates were born from users who would tell us, “I wish Raven would do ________.” We heard you, and we hope something here will make your life just a little bit easier…

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How To Animal-Proof Your WebsiteThis article is adapted from the Animal-Proof Your Website webinar.
I remember when Google algorithm updates were named Bourbon, Vince and Florida. However, since 2011 we’ve been on an animal roll.
While I would have picked more ferocious animals – like mosquito, hippo and Brazilian wandering spider – instead we’ve been subjected to the cuddly-looking panda, cute penguin and sweet hummingbird…

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Video: Creating a SEO strategy (with Webmaster Tools!)


Webmaster Level: IntermediateWondering how to begin creating an organic search strategy at your company? What’s a good way to integrate your company’s various online components, such as the website, blog, or YouTube channel? Perhaps we can help! In under fifteen minutes, I outline a strategic approach to SEO for a mock company, Webmaster Central, where I pretend to be the SEO managing the Webmaster Central Blog…

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Yeah, But…Our Site Converts Just Fine


by Mike FlemingReally?!?! How do you know that? Did all of your “yeah, butter”
competitors all share their conversion rates with you? Even if they
did, how do you know what’s good and what isn’t? If by “fine,” you mean
you’re making a profit, then great. But, is that all you want, just to
be “fine”?A 100% conversion rate just doesn’t exist, no matter
what you do to your site: Some will say yes, some will say no and then
some will say maybe…

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Launching Real-Time Events and Conversions Reports out of BetaIt wasn’t too long ago that we launched events and conversions in Google Analytics Real-Time reports. We’ve heard from many of you who are using Real-Time reporting to test changes to your site, create dashboards to monitor your traffic and goals, or make rapid decisions about what content to promote today…

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Future SERP: A Glimpse at Google 2014Posted by Dr-Pete
Watching Google change can quickly become an obsession, and it’s easy to jump at every shadow when they test thousands of ideas per year (and roll out hundreds). This post is an attempt to take all of the things I’ve seen in the past six months and tell a story driven by real data…

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