Below are some of the top SEO stories, updates, & tips from around the web to help you optimize your site for more search traffic. cSocially Media provides web design, SEO, content, social media, & email marketing for small businesses & creative professionals in Nashville & Franklin, TN.
Search is changing. It is now more personal, more engaging, more interactive and more predictive. SERPs no longer display just 10 blue links — they have become more useful and more visually appealing across all device types. Semantic search is at the forefront of these changes, as evidenced…Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article…

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Indexing apps just like websites


Indexing apps just like websitesWebmaster Level: AdvancedSearchers on smartphones experience many speed bumps that can slow them down. For example, any time they need to change context from a web page to an app, or vice versa, users are likely to encounter redirects, pop-up dialogs, and extra swipes and taps. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could give your users the choice of viewing your content either on the website or via your app, both straight from Google’s search results?Today, we’re happy to announce a new capability of Google Search, called app indexing, that uses the expertise of webmasters to help create a seamless user experience across websites and mobile apps…

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IBM is famous”there’s no doubt about that. They’ve been known for everything from innovative products to impressive profits. But at SES Chicago, they’re known for their ability to generate leads from social”something B2B companies don’t necessarily always do well. 90% of brands say they measure social engagement, but only 15% of CMOs say they can quantify social ROI…

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15 Free Tools for Instant Content Ideas (and 2 Paid Ones)Listen to this short clip, then say aloud the first word that comes to mind: Click here to listen.
What word did you think first? Stinky? Yellow? Cheddar? Shredded? Nachos?
All five words are related to “cheese,” and yet all five are related in completely different ways. Stinky: how cheese smells…

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Google must remove all images of former Formula One boss Max Mosley engaged in an orgy with prostitutes from its search results,  a French court has ruled.
The court’s ruling not only means Google will be forced to remove links to the photos from its global search, but it could have serious ramifications for the search engine in the future by setting a privacy over free expression precedent…

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Must-Have Social Media Meta Tag Templates for Improved Sharing and SEOPosted by Cyrus-Shepard
At Moz, we strive to include social media metadata in all new pieces of content that we publish. This allows us to optimize for sharing Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinerest by defining exactly how titles, descriptions, images and more appear in social streams.Think of it as conversion rate optimization for social exposure.The implications for SEO are also significant. We know from experience and studies that the right data, including optimized images, helps content to spread, which often leads to increased links and mentions.

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How You Know You Need a New SEO Firm


by Nick StamoulisAlthough the SEO industry at large may not have the best reputation thanks to a handful of spammers and SEO con men (and I do believe they represent the smaller segment of providers in this industry), there are plenty of great SEO firms out there that are just as committed to your success as you are! There is no need to suffer through a bad or negligent SEO firm…

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Recently, someone asked us at Raven, “How is the smaller marketer supposed to get an audience?”
While there are hundreds of tactics, there’s one way that always works: building relationships with influencers.
Here’s the scenario: You’re trying to draw attention to your brand…

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If there’s one thing that’s a constant when it comes to SEO, it’s that things are always changing. Ten years ago, a good way to get your site ranked at the top of the search results was to stuff your page full of keywords and then hide them by making their color match the page’s […]Author informationJayson DeMersJayson DeMers is the founder & CEO of AudienceBloom, a Seattle-based content marketing & social media agency…

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