Sharpened pencils

Have you grown tired of keeping track of multiple passwords and accounts, logging in and out of each one to keep up with your social media for your business? Oh sure, it was so easy when it was just one or two accounts, but perhaps you’re now on three or four. And you are actively posting, tweeting, and interacting with your target audience. Well, now it’s time to get a system in place.  Here are two quick tips for how to help with sharpening your social media management.

Social Media Platform Managers

First things first – get signed up with a social media management system. This will help you reduce duplicating work and provide an overview into what’s going on with your social media accounts. The top services are:

  • HootSuite – This system supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Foursquare, and WordPress. You can create and schedule specific posts for each account, or combine multiple accounts to the same post. Additionally, Hootsuite offers analytics to see how your social media is tracking. And it’s free for up to 5 networks.
  • TweetDeck – Like Hootsuite, TweetDeck supports Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare and Google+. It’s easy to use and works best for multiple accounts.
  • Buffer – Buffer is very similar to Hootsuite, but has an easier set up for the scheduling of posts. It basically lets you fill up your account with content and then pushes it out in a staggered manner throughout the day.
  • SocialFlow – This system is geared toward businesses. It is not free- $99 per month! But it also uses algorithms to track when specific tweets should be published according to views as clicks, to maximize the small business owner’s potential to reach an intended audience.

Get Good Content

This is perhaps the Golden Rule of social media: create good content. That sounds great, right? But how do you whip up an interesting/intriguing/entertaining or informative post two to five times a day? Use resources to help you find the content. The following are some of the easiest ways to get started:

  • Google Alerts – Yep, good old fashioned Google Alerts. It lets you pick your keyword and while you are off doing other business things it searches for your keyword on the web. You will get the results in the form of an email, where you can scroll through the titles or sources to see if any are good for sharing.
  • Swayy – This gorgeous platform searches for articles for you using both keywords and analystics. SInce it links to your Twitter, Facebook and LinedIn accounts it makes it very easy to share that information.
  • Compfight – Visuals are a huge part of response in social media. Compfight searches through those in Flickr with Creative Commons licensing, thereby saving you a lot of time.
  • Tagboard – This new site searches for has tags found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+ and Vine, which allows you to get in on the conversations or at least see if there is any shareable information.

Getting started is the first step, but it doesn’t take long to get overwhelmed by social media. Prevent burnout and get more results by sharpening your social media management with systems both for finding and organizing what you put out there. You may also find this chart useful as a guideline for what to post when and where.

Got more tips? We’d love to hear them!


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