

Why You Should Use LinkedIn for B2B

Last week, we looked at why getting in on Google+ was a good idea. And followed that up with how to get the most out of it in terms of SEO. This week, it’s time to examine utilizing LinkedIn for B2B connections, engagement, and updates. Unlike Google+, most people are somewhat familiar with LinkedIn as a place for your resume or for help finding a job.

The upside to all that activity for business networking and employment opportunities is that LinkedIn inherently provides a more professional platform for social media. This makes it a perfect place for local businesses to get involved and start using LinkedIn for B2B. Think about it: a social media outlet that focuses on connecting experts, authorities, and seekers alike means everyone is putting their best foot forward. Plus, it’s a social networking site where the focus is not on friends and family, but on career advancement.

LinkedIn for B2B Enhances:

Industry Credibility

  • LinkedIn targets professionals. Professionals who help make decisions for their companies or share information that will help their company. With good content you can become a quality resource here.  You can share slideshows and  embed PowerPoint presentations or a video – a chance to demonstrate expertise, thus building your reputation in your particular industry.

Professional Networking

  • Similar to the job seekers, the more you network the more success you are likely to have on LinkedIn. With the connections you develop, you can also generate new leads for new engagement. How is this different than Facebook? Virtually every account was created for business purposes, so you have a more receptive audience to your business communications than on a Facebook feed. There are multiple searches available for generating leads as well, such as “recently connected” and “company search.” You can more accurately target your ideal client and reach them effectively.

Brand Awareness

  • With strong content and smart networking, you increase your brand awareness. Get involved in conversations; keep it helpful and positive by doing things like sharing articles or commentary from industry leaders. Becoming a thought leader increases your likelihood of being top of the mind. You can also create groups, ask for recommendations and utilize smart marketing strategies like these to stay there. Just keep posts and updates business related – this is not the place for random or flippant status quotes.


Starting to see why using LinkedIn for B2B is so important? It’s simply a more natural environment for that professional relationship than other social sites, as you are interacting with other professionals. If you still aren’t convinced, Email Me and tell me why.

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