So, last week Vine announced that only 7 months after its debut, the site now has over 40 million users. Well, let’s look at that – 40 million registered users, which is certainly different than active users. In other words, people could have just signed up and then left their account dormant.  However, that’s still a pretty big jump, considering Vine reported a mere 13 million back in June. And this seems especially interesting as many expected Instagram to wipe out Vine with its additional 9 seconds.

With all this excitement, we thought it was time to take Vine a bit more seriously. Is this a possibility for business owners? If so, how can they use it to their benefit? After all, 6 seconds is not very long.

Turns out, Vine has some great potential for business owners. And if even half of those 40 million registered users were to get going on it, it’s a platform you don’t want to miss. So, here are 3 ways a business can use Vine.

Behind The Scenes

Why not offer your customers a peek at what goes on in your business? This includes:

  • office tours
  • previews of expansions, new offices, community areas
  • actual images from employee operations or interactions
  • introduce employees

Showcase Your Products/Services

Perhaps the most obvious and effective use for Vine is for a business to highlight their actual products. 6 seconds is plenty of time to give audiences a stung visual introduction to what you make, sell or offer. Need an example? Check out the Gap’s here.

Give A Tutorial

Social Media is highly effective as a means for explaining things or providing how-to tutorials. For example, if you are a realtor you could do a quick before and after for staging a house. A CPA could provide a visual list of all items needed to prepare a tax return. The main objective is to provide some value for your potential clients. Give them a reason to want to follow you on Vine.

Check out this one from Lowe’s.

Will Vine make it in the long run? Not sure as the numbers provided aren’t reflecting the actual usage just yet. But you can be certain savvy businesses are already getting it to work for them!

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