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What are Rich Pins?

They are called Rich Pins because you will make millions of dollars from them! Okay, perhaps not. However, Pinterest Rich Pins do provide additional details for products, recipes and movies, which makes them rich with information. Information that will automatically update so pinners always get the most current information. This will be great for movies and recipes certainly, but let’s focus on how this can work for retail.

Pretend  you are currently browsing Pinterest and you find a keyboard you like. Now, when you click it you will see this:

Pic of Rich Pins Example

Notice that the price, store and availability are all there. Pretty nifty, right? Indeed. The success of Pinterest in general stems from the instantaneous pleasure of visual presentation. Now add actual product information and businesses have far greater opportunity to turn browsing into a sale. Rather than continuing to pin and pin and pin, the hope is that people will start clicking and buying. This will really benefit ecommerce, brochure and catalogue sites since the information is updated daily from the business website.

Of course, large retailers like Anthropologie, Target, Home Depot, etc are already all over this new feature and therefor have a bit of an upper hand. But if you have a boutique or ecommerce site you can be right there with them. With the amazing growth Pinterest has seen in the past 6 months, there is no reason to wait any longer for this kind of opportunity. Think about it: if your customers pull up 20 different images of backpacks, won’t your stand out if you are one of the few already using Rich Pins? Getting set up can be done in just a few steps, but you may want to work with your web developer to get going due to the technical process.

Want a mini-tutorial? Check out this step-by-step guide here. Remember, you can also add the Pinterest tab to Facebook as well to be sure you maximize all your social media efforts.

The rollout of Rich Pins seems like just the beginning for Pinterest in terms of advancing sales for businesses. What do you think – will this translate into sales for local businesses? Share your thoughts Email Jenn