Using Images for Online Marketing: Best Practices

On Tuesday Jenn explored some choice ways to find and use images for online marketing. Having the images to use is the first step, but we now need to know what to do with them in order to optimize your online presence. Here a few rules of thumb that most anyone with a...

Finding And Adding Images To Your Social Media

“I’m a visual thinker, not a language-based thinker. My brain is like Google Images.” – Temple Grandin Bad, good, or indifferent most of us tend to be like Ms. Grandin and think more visually than not. Perhaps that explains the power of images...

How To Test Your Website Display on Multiple Devices

Website Display Varies by Device and Browser How can you test your website display on multiple devices without actually having to run out and buy them all? That’s the question we want to answer today. Website design is a critical component for any business...

How to Setup Google Alerts

This will be one of the simplest tutorials you read, yet it will provide you with an incredibly powerful tool for monitoring keywords, people, and events with direct delivery of relevant information to your email. Pretty much everything you need to know about how to...

How to Add a New User in Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a Must for Small Business If you have a website that you own and control, then I hope you are using Google Analytics to monitor that site’s activity. Google Analytics offers free insight on everything from your daily visitor count, to referral...

Spice It Up: Adding Visuals To Your Blog

Let’s face it, some days we are simply less verbose than others. Frankly, that is okay because sometimes your audience would like to just enjoy your blog without reading as much anyway. Use those days to bring variety to your blogs by trying out some visual...

3 Twitter Pitfalls to Avoid

I was watching The Princess Bride (again) and realized that for many business owners and managers, navigating social media is akin to finding a way through the Fire Swamp. Some people feel at ease, like Westley; whereas most are intimidated by the unknown, relating...

Pinterest for Local Business

Pinterest Continues to Grow at an Amazing Rate Pinterest is now (and has been for a while) one of the social networks that every business should be paying attention to for marketing opportunities. According to Nielsen’s 2012 Social Media Report, Pinterest experienced...

Using LinkedIn for B2B

  source Why You Should Use LinkedIn for B2B Last week, we looked at why getting in on Google+ was a good idea. And followed that up with how to get the most out of it in terms of SEO. This week, it’s time to examine utilizing LinkedIn for B2B connections,...