How to Center a YouTube Video in WordPress

I had a client ask me how to center their YouTube video on their website today. Typically, this is an easy fix and can be done a few different ways. You can embed an iframe, create a div class with css, or use a plugin. Embed a YouTube iFrame in WordPress This tip...

Sharpening Your Social Media Management

Have you grown tired of keeping track of multiple passwords and accounts, logging in and out of each one to keep up with your social media for your business? Oh sure, it was so easy when it was just one or two accounts, but perhaps you’re now on three or four....

3 Ways A Business Can Use Vine

So, last week Vine announced that only 7 months after its debut, the site now has over 40 million users. Well, let’s look at that – 40 million registered users, which is certainly different than active users. In other words, people could have just signed...

Using Lists With Facebook

It may seem as though we are on a bit of a Facebook kick these days. We are. We’ve found that while many of us use Facebook on a daily basis, there are certain tricks and features we don’t take the time to learn. Thus, why we are bringing you another...

WordPress Plugin Problems

Ever feel like smashing some faulty technology? Yeah, me too. I love WordPress, but solving issues with plugins can be enough to make you want to feel like a gangsta and take a baseball bat to your computer. Take a break, do some yoga, and come back to this post when...

Local Love = J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison – Her Story: J.T. grew up in Colorado and Virginia. After receiving her master’s degree from George Washington University, she worked in the White House and the Department of Commerce. When she moved to Nashville, her passion for writing, forensics...