WordPress 3.8.2 Update Available Now

What’s New with 3.8.2? This WordPress core update is related to security, which is obviously incredibly important for your site. If you are running WordPress, login and check your update notifications at the top in your Dashboard. It also addresses some bugs...

How Does Typography Effect Web Design

Typography: An Essential Element of Web Design photo by GCORE at DeviantArt Can you really tell the difference in typography on a website? There are a number of different elements that go into a great website design, but if you took a straw pool of internet users,...

To Meme or Not to Meme

To meme or not to meme, that is the question. Meme’s are the stuff internet dreams are made of. Okay, not really, but they are the equivalent of internet wildfire. You create a meme that resonates and it will soon spin its way out into the viral atmosphere. They’re...

How to Center a YouTube Video in WordPress

I had a client ask me how to center their YouTube video on their website today. Typically, this is an easy fix and can be done a few different ways. You can embed an iframe, create a div class with css, or use a plugin. Embed a YouTube iFrame in WordPress This tip...

An Unconventional Pop Band & Online Marketing

Last night we ventured to the East Side of Nashville for East Side Storytelling’s evening of song and story at local eatery Mad Donna’s. Chuck Beard, who happens to be one very rad dude and the owner of the eclectic book store East Side Story, hosts two bi-monthly...

SEO News, Tips 12-16-13

I was at a networking event last week in Franklin, when a small business owner asked me specifically about SEO, social media, and content marketing. The questions were, “How can a small B2B business that has limited marketing resources create an effective social...