SEO News Roundup 3-16-15

Although Dooley explains this effect in terms of how our brain works, in my opinion, distinctly separating neuroscience and the theory of archetypes would be incorrect. On the contrary, I believe that these two aspects of the study of the human mind are complementary. According to Jung , archetypes are […]

5 SEO Tips That Anyone Can Do

The Best of the Unspoken SEO Tips — Do The Right Thing Creating properly structured website content can be complicated for beginners, so we’ve kept these SEO tips simple. The basics of SEO aren’t that difficult to understand; it mostly boils down to...

Google Authorship Is Dead. Now What

Authorship No Longer a Factor in Search Results Google announced at the end of August that Authorship is dead. This move was on the horizon as of a few months ago. Author images were no longer being returned with search results & included in search snippets. For...

The Importance of Local Reviews for Local SEO

Google recently made another update to their local search results algorithm. Granted, they’re probably making these updates constantly, but this one was important enough to be dubbed “Pigeon”.  There was quite a bit of speculation as to how this...

SEO News, Tips 12-16-13

I was at a networking event last week in Franklin, when a small business owner asked me specifically about SEO, social media, and content marketing. The questions were, “How can a small B2B business that has limited marketing resources create an effective social...

SEO News from Around the Web Nov 28th

See some of the top SEO stories from around the web to help you optimize your site for more search traffic. cSocially Media provides web design, SEO, content, social media, & email marketing for small businesses and creative professionals in Nashville and Franklin, TN.

SEO News from Around the Web Nov 21st

See some of the top SEO stories from around the web to help you optimize your site for more search traffic. cSocially Media provides web design, SEO, content, social media, & email marketing for small businesses and creative professionals in Nashville and...