Jul 7, 2013 | Social Media and Business
Businesses Love Statistics Social media statistics are being poured over by marketing companies and major brands every day in hopes of understanding how businesses can best use the powerful, often untapped, potential of social media marketing. Two recent online...
Jun 19, 2013 | Social Media and Business
Bigger, Better, Faster, Stonger It was widely reported earlier this year that social media marketing budgets will be increasing significantly over the next year – and dramatically over the next 5 years. I want to take a moment in this blog post to explore just what...
May 8, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
Time management is critical to success in any business. Unfortunately, for many small business owners, finding enough hours in the day to check every item off the to do list is equivalent to herding cats. Those hours keep slipping away just when you think you’ve...
May 7, 2013 | Facebook, How To, Social Media and Business
A few weeks back I did a post about why local businesses should be on Facebook (if you missed it, find it here). Now let’s look at how to be on Facebook. In other words, here’s a quick run-down of the do’s and don’ts for small, local businesses...
May 5, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
[blockquote]To be successful, find something your good at, and repeat it.[/blockquote] Today, we’re digging into the ideas that Jenn shared several days about how to increase website engagement. She hit the high notes and talked a little about 5 guiding principles for...
Apr 15, 2013 | Facebook, Social Media and Business
We’ve all had that conversation with the last holdout for Facebook. You know, that person that insists he/she doesn’t have time for it and that there’s no good reason to be on it. I will go ahead and confess, I was that person. One day it hit me...
Apr 11, 2013 | Local Love
Franklin needed a local coffee shop. I’m the first to admit I was thrilled with Starbucks when they came because it meant I could get decent coffee in downtown. But I missed the richer, more personal feel of a local shop. Enter The Coffee House on Second and...
Apr 4, 2013 | Local Love, Social Media and Business
Their Story Approximately 10 years ago Dave Kricak wondered where his special needs daughter might find employment after she graduated from her transition program. What he discovered was that there weren’t a lot of options. So, he started The GEAR Foundation,...
Apr 4, 2013 | Social Media and Business
What a Waste 80% of the people I’ve talked to about it think networking is a waste of time. Granted, these are anecdotal interviews, not exhaustive research. However, as a sales rep, account manager, business development specialist and business owner, I’ve...
Apr 1, 2013 | Computer Industry News
We’re excited to announce that cSocially has acquired Amazon, Goodreads, and Tumblr! Wait, what? It’s April Fools Day? Of course it is, and we’re not the only ones on the lookout for mischief and chicanery. Google announced yesterday that YouTube will shut...