Mar 30, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
Social media has its own set of do’s and don’ts. This week we bring you three of the no-no’s everyone should be aware of. If you discover you’ve committed one or more of these viral faux-paus, never fear, we all make mistakes on the road to social media success. Learn...
Mar 27, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
Facebook Fan Page Most every business now has a Facebook Fan Page, as they should. It’s free to setup, and if you want to spiff it up, it doesn’t cost much in time (or money if you hire someone) to do it — unlike a website. There are a number of...
Mar 26, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
Okay, so Pinterest is growing…rapidly. But that doesn’t mean that it’s time to abandon the Facebook flagship. In fact, you can actually use them together to help build a following. One of the easiest ways to do this is to add the free...
Mar 14, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
BE AUTHENTIC- This has been popping up as a main priority for social media as well as traditional bloggers. So, what does it mean? Well, it means that if you are not naturally a witty word merchant- don’t pretend to be one. Use your own strengths instead:...
Jan 23, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
You want to know more about Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites? You know it’s a good idea for your business but don’t know where to begin? Below is a nice (simplified) infographic about social media that you can use to get your head around...
Jun 25, 2012 | How To, Social Media and Business
[fancy_header variation=”silver”]Twitter Tactics – in the line of fire[/fancy_header] [pullquote1 align=”left” variation=”blue”]Every good marketing campaign begins with well thought-out stategy and deliberate message, then...