Images, Twitter, and Twitshot

Twitter is increasingly becoming a more visual platform and users are responding accordingly. Per this Jeff Bullas post, using images on Twitter equals more engagement from others. Tweets with images had more click-throughs, likes and favorites than tweets without...

Twitter Removes Share Counts from Buttons

Twitter ruffled some publishers’ feathers by removing share counts for Tweets. Normally, at the top, bottom, or side of an article like this one, you will see social share buttons. These almost always include Twitter & also usually include a number...

3 Twitter Pitfalls to Avoid

I was watching The Princess Bride (again) and realized that for many business owners and managers, navigating social media is akin to finding a way through the Fire Swamp. Some people feel at ease, like Westley; whereas most are intimidated by the unknown, relating...

Why Twitter Rocks

Photo image: Flickr Each social media site is unique, offering different advantages for why you should use them to market your business and self. Today we’re featuring Twitter, and the advantages it has over some of its fellow social media sites. Twitter, like Tumblr,...

Twitter Hacked: How to Stay Safe

Twitter Hacked Twitter recently became the latest victim of security failure. Their database was hacked with about 250,000 accounts compromised. The Twitter team reset passwords on all accounts they believed to be effected and notified the account owners through...

Simple How-To on Social Media

You want to know more about Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites? You know it’s a good idea for your business but don’t know where to begin? Below is a nice (simplified) infographic about social media that you can use to get your head around...