Jun 9, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
Why use the editorial calendar as part of your social media marketing? It’s simple, and Dwight D. Eisenhower said it quite succinctly, “Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” When you use an editorial calendar, you force yourself & your team...
Jun 4, 2013 | Social Media and Business
Today’s post is quite simple: understand your value and don’t settle for less.
May 15, 2013 | Social Media and Business
Should My Business Outsource Social Media? The burning question, should my business outsource social media, is one that comes up at almost every meeting we have with potential clients. Whether they are just starting an online marketing program or have an established...
May 11, 2013 | Facebook, How To, Social Media and Business
Facebook features for business can be overwhelming to many small business owners — and lost altogether on many more. Before we jump into a couple specific Facebook features and how they affect your company, let me tell you about an experience I recently had. I...
May 8, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
Time management is critical to success in any business. Unfortunately, for many small business owners, finding enough hours in the day to check every item off the to do list is equivalent to herding cats. Those hours keep slipping away just when you think you’ve...
May 5, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
[blockquote]To be successful, find something your good at, and repeat it.[/blockquote] Today, we’re digging into the ideas that Jenn shared several days about how to increase website engagement. She hit the high notes and talked a little about 5 guiding principles for...
Apr 12, 2013 | Social Media and Business
Photo image: Flickr Each social media site is unique, offering different advantages for why you should use them to market your business and self. Today we’re featuring Twitter, and the advantages it has over some of its fellow social media sites. Twitter, like Tumblr,...
Apr 5, 2013 | Facebook, Social Media and Business
Negativity isn’t a “like” for Facebook, as they determine not to add a “dislike” button to the news feed. According to product engineer Bob Baldwin, “Actions on Facebook tend to focus on positive social interactions. Like is the lightest-weight way to express positive...
Apr 4, 2013 | Social Media and Business
What a Waste 80% of the people I’ve talked to about it think networking is a waste of time. Granted, these are anecdotal interviews, not exhaustive research. However, as a sales rep, account manager, business development specialist and business owner, I’ve...