Wednesday Word – Enantiodromia

Today’s word is: enantiodromia The Oxford dictionary defines the word as: noun (rare) the tendency of things to change into their opposites, especially as a supposed governing principle of natural cycles and of psychological development. To make night into day,...

The End of Your Comfort Zone

Author Neale Donald Walsch once said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” We couldn’t agree more. Comfort is a visual word. It brings to mind images like a warm quilted blanket on a cold day, a steaming mug of cocoa, or a roaring fire. Uncomfortable...

3 Twitter Pitfalls to Avoid

I was watching The Princess Bride (again) and realized that for many business owners and managers, navigating social media is akin to finding a way through the Fire Swamp. Some people feel at ease, like Westley; whereas most are intimidated by the unknown, relating...

April Fool’s Goes Viral

  We’re excited to announce that cSocially has acquired Amazon, Goodreads, and Tumblr! Wait, what? It’s April Fools Day? Of course it is, and we’re not the only ones on the lookout for mischief and chicanery. Google announced yesterday that YouTube will shut...

3 don’ts for social media

Social media has its own set of do’s and don’ts. This week we bring you three of the no-no’s everyone should be aware of. If you discover you’ve committed one or more of these viral faux-paus, never fear, we all make mistakes on the road to social media success. Learn...