Time Management

Time management is critical to success in any business. Unfortunately, for many small business owners, finding enough hours in the day to check every item off the to do list is equivalent to herding cats. Those hours keep slipping away just when you think you’ve...

How to Add an Email Signature

Today’s How To focuses on a topic that comes up a lot: how do I add icons/images and links to my email signature? The answer to this questions depends on whether you’re using Gmail or Yahoo, maybe it’s Outlook or Apple Mail. Unfortunately, we...

Evernote Web Clipper: It’s That Good

What is Web Clipper? Evernote’s Web Clipper is an extension that you can add to your toolbar, allowing you to save information directly to your notebooks with a mere click of a button. Since Evernote is cloud based, you can then access what you  have saved from...

Evernote: your one stop system

Evernote What is it? Ever ransacked your office for that receipt you KNOW you kept for tax purposes? Or wished you could remember where you put those business cards from that last conference? Evernote is basically a giant notebook to help you keep up and organize all...

Blog Guidelines

We all want our blogs to stand out, be the rose among thorns and earn respect from readers everywhere. Achieving such success cannot be guaranteed by any formula. However, there are some good guidelines to keep in mind before you post. I’ve listed a few below...

3 don’ts for social media

Social media has its own set of do’s and don’ts. This week we bring you three of the no-no’s everyone should be aware of. If you discover you’ve committed one or more of these viral faux-paus, never fear, we all make mistakes on the road to social media success. Learn...