Nov 20, 2013 | Web Design
How Usability Testing Drastically Improved My Client’s App – Most designers spend too much time with their designs to be objective about them. The best thing any designer can do is to collect feedback from real users. Testing uncovers pain...
Oct 28, 2013 | Web Design
Every week, we pull the latest resources for web designers to stay on top of their game in this every changing environment. cSocially Media provides web design, SEO, content, social media, & email marketing for small businesses & creative professionals in...
Oct 21, 2013 | Web Design
Every week, we pull the latest resources for web designers to stay on top of their game in this every changing environment. cSocially Media provides web design, SEO, content, social media, & email marketing for small businesses & creative professionals in...
May 5, 2013 | How To, Social Media and Business
[blockquote]To be successful, find something your good at, and repeat it.[/blockquote] Today, we’re digging into the ideas that Jenn shared several days about how to increase website engagement. She hit the high notes and talked a little about 5 guiding principles for...