Find Time to Unwind

If you read last week’s post “Take Rest”, then you are probably noticing a theme developing here: we believe one key to success is knowing how to and allowing yourself to relax. The picture featured above is of Arrington Vineyards, a fantastic spot...

Pinterest for Local Business

Pinterest Continues to Grow at an Amazing Rate Pinterest is now (and has been for a while) one of the social networks that every business should be paying attention to for marketing opportunities. According to Nielsen’s 2012 Social Media Report, Pinterest experienced...

Take Rest

If you’re a small business owner, you probably work a lot. That’s to be expected, especially if your business is young or going through a transition. Business Insider posted an article recently with advice from 18 winners of their competition for Small...

Change Your World

When doing the daily grind and grunt work of social media marketing – everything from research to scheduling to outlining an editorial calendar – there can be a lot of thought time involved. The more we practice, the better we get. But no matter how...

Google Plus Local Business Page

In a post on Tuesday, Jenn looked at what makes Google Plus unique in the social media world, as well as reasons why you should be using Google Plus for your business. One reason listed in that post is SEO – so let’s explore that a little more. What is SEO? SEO is...

How to Use the Editorial Calendar

Why use the editorial calendar as part of your social media marketing? It’s simple, and Dwight D. Eisenhower said it quite succinctly, “Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” When you use an editorial calendar, you force yourself & your team...

Should My Business Outsource Social Media

Should My Business Outsource Social Media? The burning question, should my business outsource social media, is one that comes up at almost every meeting we have with potential clients. Whether they are just starting an online marketing program or have an established...

Facebook Features for Business

Facebook features for business can be overwhelming to many small business owners — and lost altogether on many more. Before we jump into a couple specific Facebook features and how they affect your company, let me tell you about an experience I recently had. I...